[Backyard Birds] Site Plan

Andrew Funk

WDD 130-Section 10



Do you like to watch birds? We can help you watch them from the comfort of your own home. Our site provides you with all your bird watching needs. The knowledge and resources we present will enable you to draw birds from your local area to your backyard. We cover various types of birds, their lifestyle, and where you can find them. We hope that you will be able to enjoy nature as you learn more about these animals, though our website.


Our target audience are families who love to watch and look for birds in their local areas. This site is for all ages. The audience will most likely be a home owner and those who lease/rent an apartment. Most people will have a backyard and/or balcony, if living in an apartment. People mostly visit our site starting around spring through to the end of summer. Our audience mostly visit through our mobile app. However, we get a fair amount of visitors through desktop computer when we get first time visitors and they are researching more about birds in hopes to prep their house or apartment to attract birds to their backyard.


Website Logo

Logo image

Style Guide

Color Palette

Palette URL: https://coolors.co/396e94-fddb77-a83310-d6d6d6-aabd8c
Primary Secondary Accent 1 Accent 2 Accent 3
[#396E94] [#FDDB77] [#DC3D0C] [#D6D6D6] [#AABD8C]


Heading Font: Pridi

Since this website is about finding birds around your house I wanted to give it a home craft or DIY type of text style. This style of font gives off a little fun and creativity but is also clean cut and presentable to the audience.

Paragraph Font: Open Sans

I wanted to make sure that my information is clearn and easily readable. This font will help my audience get the information they need without them guessing what it is trying to say.

Normal paragraph example

The best Whitewater Rafting in Colorado, White Water Rafting Company offers rafting on the Colorado and Roaring Fork Rivers in Glenwood Springs. Since 1974, we have been family owned and operated, rafting the Shoshone section of Glenwood Canyon and beyond.

Colored paragraph example

Trips vary from mild and great for families, to trips exclusively for physically fit and experienced rafters. No matter what type of river adventures you are seeking, White Water Rafting Company can make it happen for you.


Site Map



Home page

Hello! Welcome all bird watchers. Our goal is to get you info about the local birds in your area. We will help lead and guide you as you look for ways to help draw birds to your home for you to watch. We want to help as many people enjoy bird watching from the comfort of their own home. We provide you the information you need in order to do so.

We hope that you and your family are able to enjoy nature from the comfort of your home and be able to see many birds flock to your backyard. This is a fun activity that you can enjoy with your children and neighborhood friends. With our methods and resources you will have birds coming to your house in no time.

We will help you with all types of seasons and different types of birds, you just need to know what they want. Look through our site to learn about birds and what makes them so special. You may learn some things that you may not have know.

Images for the Home page

multiple bird houses on fence


Wondering what types of birds live in your area, this page will help you understand what birds live around you and how you can attract them to your home. Fill out the information below to get a list of birds that are in your area. Then head over to our "Bird Info" page to find out how to attract them to your home.

What Birds Are In Your Area

Fill out the form below to see what birds are in your region and have the best potential to visit your backyard. This will give you a better idea of what you should be looking out for and what type of food to put out on your bird feeder.

Helpful Tips

Images for the Page 2

woodpecker on birdhouse
black bird in tree


Birds eat many different types of things. Different birds like different things, such as: seeds, berries, fruit, insects, other birds, eggs, small mammals, fish, buds, larvae, aquatic invertebrates, acorns and other nuts, aquatic vegetation, grain, dead animals, garbage, and much more! Some things are easier to obtain that others. Generally, various birds will come to your house if you put out seeds, nuts, berries, and fruit. Also, depending on how big your food is for the birds will reflect the size of the bird. So if you are trying to get bigger birds put out larger portions of fruit or nuts. If you are looking to attract small birds put out smaller fruit or seeds. Also, it is important to note that if the bird is not able to fit on your bird feeder they will most likely not take interest in sticking around to eat the food and allow you time to watch them. Birds are looking for the east meal. If it is too difficult then you may need to think about how you have set up your feeder.

Images for the Page 3

bird seed
two birds eating from bird feeder


Create three wireframes for your site. One for each page and list them here


[Any additional details about home that the wireframe does not make clear]

home page wireframe

[Page 2]

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page 2 wireframe

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