Looking for Birds?
Wondering what types of birds live in your area, this page will help you understand what birds live around you and how you can attract them to your home. Fill out the information below to get a list of birds that are in your area. Then head over to our "Bird Info" page to find out how to attract them to your home.
Instant Bird Updates
Fill out the form below to see what birds are in your region and have the best potential to visit your backyard. This will give you a better idea of what you should be looking out for and what type of food to put out on your bird feeder.
Helpful Tips
- Try not to put your bird feeders too close to your window, patio, balcony, deck. Birds are very skittish which means that they will fly away very easily if you come to close to them. Give them space to eat and they will stick around longer.
- Birds will start to come to your bird feeders in a few weeks. It takes time for them to know that your home is a source for food. So be consistent and patient.
- Once you notice that birds are coming to your house set up a bench or chair near a window or on your deck that is near your bird feeder and patiently wait. Be still and don't make sudden movements. Then you can get a real good look at them.
- Usually birds will come in the mornings and in the evenings, for breakfast and dinner. As you go throughout the week take note of what times then generally come as. This will allow you to know when to get ready to watch for them.
- Be careful of other critters who are wanting to get an easy meal. Racoons and squirrels are looking for food as well. Unless you don't mind these animals look for the bird feeders that help prevent these other animals from getting into the food you have put out. These animals will scare off the birds and you will not get to see them as much.